Moving boundaries in fluid flows:
Mudballs, meteorites, lollipops, and bubbles
Leif Ristroph, CIMS
Classical fluid mechanics considers flows that must conform to
immovable solids, but in the real world all boundaries are
compliant over some time scale. A flag flaps and flutters in a
stiff breeze, while a mountain is gradually carved by wind and
water erosion. In all such problems, shapeable boundaries conspire
with fluid flows to give physically and mathematically interesting
morphologies and shape dynamics. I will discuss some of the cases
we’ve studied recently in Courant’s Applied Math Lab through
experiments combined with models and simulations. We’ll explore
the “sculptures” formed by fluidic erosion, ablation and
dissolution, which are the persistent processes that carve stone
and clay into landforms. A more delicate example is that of a soap
film that deforms when blown with an external flow, eventually
birthing a bubble.