Microrheology of Active Systems
Andy Lau
(Florida Atlantic University)
Microrheology has emerged as an important experimental tool for probing
the mechanical properties of soft matter. There are two common
techniques: active and passive microrheology. For equilibrium systems,
the fluctuation-dissipation theorem ensures that the two methods yield
the same information. Recently, a new class of nonequilibrium soft
matter has emerged, termed active systems. They differ from
conventional soft matter in that they contain microscopic components
that continuously consume and dissipate energy to their surroundings,
creating a state that is far from equilibrium. Active systems
arise primarily from biology, e.g., the cytoskeleton of living cells,
active gels (polymer-network with molecular motors), active membranes
(cell membranes with ion pumps), and self-propelled microorganisms.
To extend microrheological techniques to study active systems
requires a generalization of theoretical framework for microrheology to
nonequilibrium systems. In this talk, we will discuss such a
theoretical framework which can be used for interpreting
microrheological data of active systems such as living cells and
bacterial baths.