Decoding the architecture of
vascular networks.
Katifori, Rockefeller University
Distribution and structural networks permeate virtually all life,
from the cellular to the organismic level. They have allowed
organisms to grow in size and complexity by ensuring efficient
distribution of nutrients and structural support. Given their
importance, these vascular and structural webs have been under
strong evolutionary selection and their form frequently reflects
important aspects of their function. Using optimization models we
examine the design principles behind the evolution of the
architecture and topology of vascular and structural networks.
Standard complex network tools are not sufficiently nuanced to
compare the highly nested architecture that is frequently observed
in naturally occurring webs with in silico models. Thus, we develop
an algorithmic framework that quantifies the hierarchical
organization and topology of weighted graphs dominated by cycles and
present some examples (leaf venation, arterial vasculature of the
neocortex and others) that elucidates it.