Extreme Events and Metastability in Fluids and Waves
Tobias Grafke, CIMS
Rare but extreme events often have a dramatic influence on the
statistics of stochastic systems, but are notoriously hard to handle
both analytically and numerically. In particular in fluid dynamics
with its overwhelmingly large number of coupled degrees of freedom,
the stochastic forcing interacts with nonlocal nonlinear terms to
create coherent structures inducing strong non-Gaussianity. I will
present how large deviation theory provides a rigorous framework to
quantify these effects, allowing to predict the emergence of extreme
events, and similarly transition events in metastable fluid systems
(as observed in e.g. atmospheric flows), as well as computing their
probability and statistics. The same methods apply to stochastic
systems from other fields, such as ocean surface waves, active
or reaction/diffusion systems.