Matching, choice and entropy
Alfred Galichon, Professor of Economics, Sciences Po
Abstract: We consider a model of matching with imperfectly
transferable utility, including as special cases both the
transferable utility (Monge-Kantorovich) and nontransferable utility
(Gale-Shapley) models. Versions of this model capture a number of
situations in economics: marriage, the labor market, industrial
alliances, school choice, etc. We provide a unified framework for
equilibrium characterization and comparative statics in a version of
the model where agents have a random utility component which
introduces stochasticity in their choice problem. Outside of the
transferable utility case, the equilibrium does not have a
variational formulation. However, we show that an analytically and
computationally tractable solution can be given by using the concept
of 'entropy of choice', a generalization of classical entropy linked
to the individual optimal choice problems. This method allows the
study and the computation of non-variational equilibrium
transportation problems which are relevant in Economics, and cannot
be tackled using the theory of optimal transportation. We derive
implications for identification and comparative statics