Hidden Dynamics of Static Friction
Sam Dillavou, Harvard
Static friction, a force fundamental to nearly every mechanical system
from micro-machines to basketball shoes to tectonic plates, is in fact
anything but static. In contrast to the simplified version taught in
high-school, static friction is actually extremely dynamic, complex,
and still poorly understood. Due to small-scale roughness, even
seemingly flat interfaces actually consist of sparse, scattered contact
points, which comprise only a few percent or less of the interfacial
area. These contact points vary in shape and size, exist under extreme
pressures, and form an ensemble that evolves continuously in time. This
is true for a vast range of scales and in nearly all materials, from
rock to plastic to paper to metal.
We measure the evolution of this contact ensemble, and demonstrate that
multi-contact interfaces (MCIs) store a memory of the pressures they
experienced. Unlike simple relaxation, e.g. a spring and dashpot
system, which depends only on its current state, MCIs evolve according
to their entire loading history. Their evolution closely resembles the
slow relaxations of a class of disordered and glassy systems that
includes crumpled paper, elastic foams, polymer glasses, granular
piles, and more. In fact, using a model built for these seemingly
unrelated systems, we are able to reproduce the observed interfacial
dynamics, implying that putting two solids in contact generates a new
glassy system.