Bacterial Swimming in Newtonian and
non-Newtonian Fluids
Kenny Breuer,
Brown University
There has long been controversy and conflicting data regarding the
speed at which flagellated bacteria swim in fluids of different
Newtonian and non-Newtonian properties. Some data indicates faster
swimming in viscoelastic media, while others suggest slower
swimming. There is even controversy regarding the swimming speed
in purely Newtonian media of different viscosities. We will
present data and analysis from recent experiments in which we
follow smooth-swimming and wild-type E coli using a tracking
microscope as they move through different Newtonian and non-Newtonian
fluids. We find that increasing the bulk viscosity affects
swimming speed in two ways - it reduces the effectiveness of flagellar
propulsion, but also increases the flagellar bundling time of wild type
E coli. Cells are found to swim faster in non-Newtonian fluids,
even though the bulk viscosity rises. The dominate contribution
is found to be related to the strong shear thinning property of the
fluid, although the normal stresses associated with viscoelasticity can
also contribute through reduced cell precession, slightly improved
propulsive efficacy and faster flagellar bundling times.