This webpage contains sample worksheets for a model introductory course in computational physics that attempts to teach physics majors Fortran 90/95. In a somewhat modified form, these have been used in an actual PHY201 course at MSU during Fall 2000. These worksheets are by no means complete, and there are significant gaps in the coverage.
Worksheet 1: Introduction
The way students are introduced to this material should vary greatly
depending on the students' backgrounds. The worksheets that follow are
an introduction to computation. Experience with programming is
such as the PHY102
course. Some students found the course easy, some challenging, some
difficult. We see no easy fix for this one. So put any worksheet(s)
that you deem appropriate.
The Error function
This next series of worksheets deals with the calculation of the
error function using Fortran 90. It is meant to introduce basic Fortran
tools such as program structure, control flow, as well as some aspects
of numerical accuracy, precision and speed. These worksheets have
to do with physics and can be used in any scientific programming
Further below are physics-related worksheets.
Worksheet 2: (PDF, HTML):
Solution {Fortran 90 codes [real, complex]
, Compilation and Execution}
Worksheet 3: (PDF, HTML):
Solution {Fortran 90 codes [calculation module,
program, high-precision
by Allan Miller], Compilation and
Worksheet 4: (PDF, HTML):
Solution {Fortran 90 code, xmgrace
plot, Compilation and Execution}
Worksheet 5: (PDF, HTML):
Solution {Fortran 90 code [calculation module,
program], Compilation and Execution}
Worksheet 6: (PDF, HTML):
Solution (Fortran 90 code [using SimpleGraphics
(HTML documentation, source
code, initialization script), using
FunGraphics (HTML documentation, source
code)], DISLIN plot, Compilation
and Execution)
Electromagnetism in Fortran and Mathematica
This next series of worksheets do some meaningful and interesting
physics using Fortran 90 and Mathematica. They may be too complicated
move to immediately after finishing the previous series
of worksheets. For yet more advanced interesting worksheets with
emphasis on numerical analysis, please look at the Spring
2000 PHY480 webpage of problems and solutions.
Worksheet 7: (PDF, HTML):
Solution {Fortran 90 code [source code,
(as surface plot, as
contour plot, as vector field plot)
, Compilation and Execution],
solution (HTML, notebook)}
Worksheet 8: (PDF, HTML):
Solution {Fortran 90 code [using Allan
quadrature code (utility module &
script, source of quadrature routines
& dependency module),
of trapezoid integration,
vector plot of field,
Compilation and Execution], Mathematica
solution (HTML,
Worksheet 9: (PDF, HTML):
Solution {Fortran 90 code [using RKSUITE (ODE
utility module, & initialization script,
of quadrature routines & example of RK4
90 code), example of harmonic oscillator ODE using
RKSUITE & using Euler
(the plot), plots (case
1, case 2, case
3, case 4), Compilation
and Execution], Mathematica solution (HTML,
Example for Final Exam
Use numerical integration to calculate the value of the error
for a given real argument x. Write the result to a file and follow the
good-programming guidelines you've been given in class. Write your
90 code by hand, and pay attention to program organization and
as much as you can!
Here is a sample solution that uses the module
from worksheet 2 for validation.