- Sarah Alotaibi
- Kenny Ascher
- Asher Auel
- Eva Bayer
- Olivier Benoist
- Fedor Bogomolov
- Lev Borisov
- Armand Brumer
- Michael Burr
- Anna Cadoret
- Paolo Cascini
- Gabriele di Cerbo
- François Charles
- Ivan Cheltsov
- Atticus Christensen
- Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène
- Aise Johan de Jong
- Bruno De Oliveira
- Olivier Debarre
- Cyril Demarche
- Igor Dolgachev
- Anastassia Etropolski
- Reed Leon Gordon-Sarney
- Ernest Guico
- Vladimir Guletskii
- Joseph Gunther
- David Harbater
- Brendan Hassett
- Daniel Hast
- Ljudmila Kamenova
- Valentijn Karemaker
- Philippe Lebacque
- Shizhang Li
- Raeez Lorgat
- Vlad Alexandru Matei
- René Mboro
- Patrick McFaddin
- Massimiliano Mella
- Alexander Merkurjev
- Cristian Minoccheri
- Ian Morrison
- Howard Nuer
- Tony Pantev
- Raman Parimala
- Emmanuel Peyre
- Bjorn Poonen
- Cecília Salgado
- David Saltman
- Vyacheslav Shokurov
- Ruqayyah Shouk
- Alexei Skorobogatov
- Geoffrey Smith
- Jason Starr
- Tamás Szamuely
- Lucien Szpiro
- Sho Tanimoto
- Burt Totaro
- Remy van Dobben de Bruyn
- Anthony Várilly-Alvarado
- Suresh Venapally
- Isabel Vogt
- David Wen
- Olivier Wittenberg
- Zijian Yao
- Shing-Tung Yau
Practical Information
- Location: room WWH 109, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University,
251 Mercer str., New York, NY 10012.
- Directions
- Hotels:
- Restaurants and a map.
- The Torch club.
- Reimbursement form and the originals of all the receipts should be sent, by September, 15, to
Daisy Calderon (mojar AT
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
251 Mercer str., New York, NY 10012.